
About us


Corporate Governance Statement

ZemQos Incorporated (Pvt) Limited is committed to good corporate governance. We seek to realize our business objectives in a manner which is responsible and consistent with our values of integrity, transparency and accountability. ZemQos Incorporated upholds the corporate governance practices outlined in the National Code on Corporate Governance (NCCG) and the King III Code.The Company acknowledges that compliance with the Country’s Constitution and the Companies Act [Chapter 24:03] is paramount to ensure sound corporate governance practices. We regularly review our governance arrangements, to reflect developments in market practice, expectations and regulation as appropriate. An appropriate risk analysis framework is used to identify the major risks which the Company must manage in serving its stakeholders. The focus of risk management at Zemqos is on identifying, assessing, managing and monitoring all known and anticipated forms of risk. Operational risks are managed through formalized procedures and controls, well-trained personnel, and where necessary back-up facilities. Emphasis is placed on continuous improvement of systems and ways of working through business process re-engineering as well as internal and external audits. The Company acknowledges that the business environment is subject to change which necessitates frequent risk reassessment to protect the Company.

To provide reliable and accurate cutting edge technology to partner in automobile technology and traffic management.

To create a world class community with order and honest in traffic management.

  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Equality
  • Transparency
  • Accountability
  • To supply automated parking and enforcement solutions and revolutionarise the parking system in the African region
  • To implement parking and enforcement systems that will attract business investment, encourage economic growth and earn substantial net revenues that can be re-invested in infrastructure development and service delivery
  • To create a virtuous cycle of economic growth and investment, thereby creating employment through the implementation of high-tech traffic management systems
  • To enhance economic growth, and create employment for the youths and citizens.
  • To provide unparalleled service delivery, and ensure total remittance to the city coffers of all collected revenue.
  • To increase revenue collection.
  • To reduce congestion.
  • To enhance adherence to city parking by-laws.
  • To provide valued services to all motorists
  • To promote professionalism
  • To uphold high standards of service delivery


Our Products

Parking and Traffic Management System

ZemQos Incorporated installs the Automated Parking and Enforcement System which employ sensors that detects when a vehicle enters a parking

Prepayment and Exemptions

Smart Permits / Prepaid Discs cater for exemptions and prepayments. These are configured as per the rules and regulations set by the City / Municipality

Automated Driver Testing System

This is an extremely accurate and transparent system that permits only the skilled and deserving quality drivers to obtain a driver’s license.


Key Features

Automated Meter Platform

Automated infrastructure/bay

Multipayment Platform

Automated Meter Platform

Automated infrastructure/bay

Multipayment Platform

All these features are supported by our robust backend platform which caters for various departments such as I.T, Accounts, Human Resources, Audit and Management




  • The system is an accounting tool

  • Automatically detects occupied and unoccupied parking spaces at any time

  • Automatically detects all parked vehicles for which paymet has not been made

  • Automatically detects all parked vehicles that are due for clamping

  • Alerts parking officers of all cars due for clamping

  • De-congests the city and enhances adherence to city parking by-laws

  • It offers motorist and parking guiding management displays mounted at street entrances

  • The system generates customizable real time reports

  • Productivity increases as the detection of parking violators is automated

  • The system can be installed on any parking space i.e streets, parkades and terminuses

  • It is a comprehensive data management system tool

  • Meters are powered by the solar energy

Extended Benefits

  • Implementation of parking meters eliminates the biggest recurring cost of salaries

  • Use of the automated parking meters totally eliminates corrupt tendencies such as non-remittance of collected revenue by marshals

  • There is no negotiation between the meter and the motorist which might be prevalent with marshals

  • When a marshal calls in sick or goes on leave, the marshal’s bay is left unattended causing loss of potential revenue

  • When a marshal is late for work, potential revenue is also lost for the time the bay is not attended to

  • Meters reduce the need for labour issues and hearings and shortfalls; with meters everything is thoroughly accounted for.

  • Allows flexible tariff options especially at business oriented areas like shopping complexes

  • Meters are always available at any time thus increasing revenue collection by avoiding lunch breaks which are common to parking marshalls

  • Meters are less prone to calculation errors

Contact Us

10 Albany Road, Alexandra Park, Harare, Zimbabwe

Email: Help@Zemqos.com

Landline +263-4-744055

Mobile numbers: +263772816569